How useful are MBA from Japan’s top universities like Todai/Keio for Gaishikei (foreign companies, specifically American companies in japan)

I’ve heard a lot of people claim that MBA’s from Japanese universities are useless once you work outside of Japan as even the top universities in japan don’t hold a candle to the MBA programs of Ivy Leagues. They’re at best UCLA level. And even within japan as Japanese companies value training inexperienced ppl straight out of 4 year universities. But nobody mentioned the usefulness of MBA’s from Japan’s top universities when applying to Gaishikei companies specifically in business consulting and finance. I’m particularly interested in McKinsey. Would it be worth it? For some background I’m currently attending Sophia university (FLA) and I’m interested in going to graduate school in either Keio, Tokyo university, or Hitotubashi university after getting a few years of work experience in a related field. I am a Japanese national and speak near native level Japanese. And no, attending graduate school in the US isn’t an option because of the insane tuition + a very weak yen.

Edit: Todai= Tokyo university

by Parking_Attitude_519

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