What is the usual process of setting internet?

I recently moved to Japan and I’m trying to get my internet set up. I already have ahamo, so I decided to go with ahamo hikari and applied for it online last week.

Today, I got 2 phone calls from them, or I guess docomo, but my Japanese is pretty bad so only understood about 30% of what they were saying. First call I think is about verifying my information, the person had me confirm some personal details like name and addresses. The second call I think is more about the contract itself, basically the plan I’m applying for and whether I need to rent the router, the person also read a bunch of stuff to me, which I think are the term of service information.

Now I’m not sure what I need to do next. I thought they will visit my place and do the installation, but they didn’t ask me about it. They did gave me 2 phone numbers, 0120766156 and 0120270126, which I think are for supports, but maybe I need to call them to set up the installation date?

Anyone know what the usual process is like? Especially for ahamo hikari.


by khin1412

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