Would clarifying I don’t want to drive hurt my chances during the interview?

This is my first year applying for JET, and I’m both nervous and excited for the upcoming interview! On the application, I put down that I have a license, as I didn’t want to lie, but no follow-up question asked if you are willing to drive (I saw this was a question on JET applications from Reddit posts from previous years).

I only obtained my license so I could drive to my high school, but I have not owned a car in the 5 years since (and lived in places with public transportation), as I have anxiety surrounding driving.

If I am shortlisted, I am fine with an inaka or an urban placement, but I would prefer living where I could bike/take the bus/walk to school so I don’t have to drive. I’m not sure if I mentioned this during my interview, if it would negatively impact my chances?

by Weewoo___

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