Rough Itinerary check for 3 week Jan trip?

Hello all 🙂 was removed thrice from Japan Travel, i hope this place is a little more accepting.

I am planning a trip for my friends and i and have limited our stay to Kansai, Chubu, Kanto. The travel path is as follows:

Kyoto > Osaka (nara trip) > Takayama > Kamakura > Hakone > Tokyo

Extremely rough outline without exact plans. I want to ask about the path itself & durations of stay per place, or if anything is redundant, skippable, etc.

Day by day breakdown (the following indicate location of night stays, so NIGHTS)

1. Kyoto
2. Kyoto
3. Kyoto
4. Kyoto (Kibune?)
5. Kyoto
6. Osaka
7. Osaka
8. Osaka (Nara Day Trip)
9. Osaka
10. Osaka
11. Osaka
12. Takayama hotel stay
13. Takayama hotel stay
14. Takayama hotel stay (Hida Folk Village Day)
15. Takayama Ryokan – rest before travel
16. Kamakura Hotel (Kanagawa)
17. Kamakura Hotel (Kanagawa) (enoshima?)
18. Hakone Ryokan (Kanagawa) – rest
19. Tokyo Hotel or Hostel (akihabara and sleep)
20. Tokyo Hotel or Hostel (shinjuku)
21. Tokyo Hotel or Hostel (Shibuya)
22. Tokyo Hotel or Hostel
23. Tokyo Hotel or Hostel

We are looking for crazy city bustling young drunken nights (osaka & tokyo) and then the exact opposite – serenity, quiet, sounds of nature, mild hikes under huge trees covering the sky above us in little towns with little restaurants and onsen near lakes perhaps (Takayama, Hakone, Kyoto)

Not very interested in Kobe. Unsure about Wakayama. Open to suggestions for areas in Chubu, or if we should push more days to tokyo, move things around etc.


by Elian17

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