Air Salmon`s

Air Salmon`s

  1. /r/atbge. This shows a lot of creativity and skill. I’m blown away. But also why eat a shoe?

  2. I fuck with this so hard!! As a sneakerhead and sushi nerd I greatly appreciate this 😁

  3. This is very creative!

    I’m looking at the chopstick and then the scissors- how small are the finger holes on those scissors? It might be some perspective/distortion but they look awfully small.

  4. As a sushi chef and an artist I appreciate the creativity. But it’s not going to taste so good, better than an actual shoe though

  5. oh my god ive seen this image 1000 times over the past five years give it a rest for Christ’s sake.

  6. The folks at r/culinaryplating would maybe like this… if for nothing else, at least to take it apart! 😀

    I love it 🥰

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