Okurigana Rules

I have been studying kanji, using the official 常用漢字表 (https://www.bunka.go.jp/kokugo_nihongo/sisaku/joho/joho/kijun/naikaku/pdf/joyokanjihyo_20101130.pdf) as my source.

When I was looking at the entry for 明, the 音読み of course are straightforward, but there are numerous 訓読み, and all of them seem to have different “cutoff” points between the kanji and the okurigana. In this case, I was curious about why the okurigana of 明かり, 明ける, 明く, 明くる, and 明かす begin at カ行, but the okurigana of 明るい, 明るさ, 明るむ, 明らむ, and 明らか begin at ラ行.

I’ve never thought about this when reading, because I can infer the reading given the context. But if I need to write by memory, what rules are in place to at least support knowledge of when the kanji reading ends and the okurigana begins? Are there any hard and fast rules about okurigana?

Any insight / expertise would be greatly appreciated.

by mandrosa

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