Help cleaning outdoor kitchen drain

NSFW because that thing is nasty!

I’m currently in a rental single family house.

I recently realized that the water from kitchen sink was just stopped at the outdoor pipe and just dried up on the side of the house leaving nasty goo around the pipe entrance.

First video i checked said “just use a plunger” and i tried (and now despite all kinds of protection my hands smell like goo!)

Now the issue and what made me abandon after 15min is that there a second pipe 40cm away. It’s a small tube (5cm diameter) which seems to be there to receive water coming out of the water heater. When i plunge the kitchen water drain, water just rise and jumps from that water heater pipe.

So does anyone know a magic product that would dissolve that goo? Any other way to fix this?

Should I ask management/owner to call a plumber? Is it their responsibility or mine?

by sebjapon

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