Trying to get a local file immersion setup going. Does anyone have any experience converting downloaded anime from AVI files to something that works with asbplayer web site?

I saw a tutorial on Youtube to convert AVI files with VLC player, but I can’t seem to get it to work properly. Either it converts to something that doesn’t pay the video, just the sound+subs with a blank screen on asb player website or it just refuses to convert it (like when I try to convert it to MP4) and it gives me this message.

>Your input can’t be opened:VLC is unable to open the MRL ‘file:///C:/Users… (file name here)

I have an MP4 file that Asb player works with, so I’m thinking if we can figure out how to get the files converted to that from AVI, I should be good to go, though I’m starting to think that VLC player may not be what I need to convert them.

by linkofinsanity19

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