Seeking recommendations for my husbands birthday

Hey there! We’ve been in Japan for over a year now, and my husband’s birthday is coming up soon. Last year, we couldn’t celebrate much because his parents were visiting. This year, I want to make it special since we’re finally settled here. We recently bought a car for camping, so I’m looking for helpful camping sites and favorite spots in Japan. Also, he’s interested in woodworking to build his own speaker. Any recommendations for classes or workshops around Tokyo or Kamakura? We don’t speak Japanese yet.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated 😊. He loves coffee and tea (coffee more), music (r&b, jazz, Japanese Showa era city pop), nature (especially beaches), and pizza(easy since he’s a vegetarian).

Additionally, I’m interested in hearing about your favorite birthday experiences, whether your partner planned something special for you (or just for yourself) or vice versa.

Thanks a lot! 🙏

by Current_Scarcity8064

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