Questions Regarding Altia Central Tentative Approval

Hey everybody.

I have a few questions that I have been thinking about with regard to Altia Central. Earlier this year, I went through the application process with Altia and received “tentative approval” for my overseas application. In the email, they went on to explain that I had scored above their threshold and my application had received approval; however, they went on to state that this doesn’t guarantee my placement with Altia. I am fine with this, but I was just curious and wanted to know if anybody else had received this from Altia in their application process as well. For reference, this occurred back in early July.

I guess my questions would be:

1.) Has anyone else gotten an email with an explanation similar to this?

2.) Is this something that I should be concerned with? Or should I take this as a good thing?

3.) What are my odds at this point of actually being placed with Altia?

I am asking because I am unsure of what exactly to think and I have begun the application process with JET and Interac as additional options for an ALT position. Lastly, are there any other reputable ALT companies in Japan that one would recommend also applying to? I would greatly appreciate some feedback/advice on how to proceed. Thanks!

by Specific-Banana9555

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