Paperwork needed for Japan immigration when taking J-kids to Australia for a homestay (no parents)?

My English school will be escorting kids to Australia for a homestay and study abroad program this summer. We’re set up great with the school and plane tickets, but now we are starting to get into the thick of it for visa paperwork.

I have been scouring the net, and while there is plenty of info for what we will need to provide to Australian immigration, I’m having trouble finding what Japanese immigration expects to see from us at the airport before we depart. All I can really find are English consent forms provided by travel agents like HIS for showing at the destination country.

Certainly, there must be some mountain of forms to show? My worst nightmare is missing something obvious and not even getting these kids boarded. (My second worst nightmare is the parents finding out that I posted on Reddit even asking about this!)

Any insight would be great. Also, if anyone has dealt with the Australian immigration side of things for bringing Japanese kids into Australia, I’d love to hit you up via DM.

by Wanderous

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