When reviewing Anki cards

Do you take your time trying to recall the card or do you only give yourself a couple seconds to try and remember it?

by DrDestr0y3r

  1. I don’t personally worry about the time too too much; some of my cards are just for me to remember the reading of a common word I’m prone to forget, others are more difficult specialty words with longer definitions or many more example sentences, that may also have related phrases or idioms I’m trying to remember along with the key vocab word

    So some cards I can recall more quickly while others may take longer if I’m trying to recall the full example sentences, for example.

    If it takes an extremely long time though I can assume I don’t have it stored in my memory well yet though and at least mark it as difficult

  2. I’m probably somewhere in the middle. According to Anki my average answer time is ⁨6.63⁩s.

  3. I’ll take “could have been posted in the daily thread” for $200 please Alex.

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