I made some study guides for some tricky words for myself and I’m sharing it now.


Pick one or two of these. Study them once a day for 10 days in a row and you’ll probably have it down for a while. Then just retire those and pick another two. I do this after anki and it takes about 1 extra minute.

Note: When two words are listed in a line, it’s a trans/intrans pair, in that order


冷たい つめたい
冷やす 冷える ひやす ひえる to chill something (make it cold)
冷ます 冷める さます さめる to cool something (let a hot thing cool to room temp)


閉める しめる TRANS close doors/windows/lids
閉じる とじる TRANS/INTRANS SHUT books, mouths, eyes, drawer, a meeting(?)
閉まる しまる INTRANS close doors/windows/lids
閉ざす とざす TRANS shut to keep out (shut a door to keep cold out) or for It’s abstract, mental, non-physical, shut your heart

**Going through with 通**

通す とおす TRANS to stick through
通る とおる INTRANS to pass through
通う かよう INTRANS to go to and from (a place), to commute; to frequent​
通じる つうじる INTRANS to be open to traffic, to flow, to be understood

**Passing along info/following along**

伝える つたえる TRANS tell/report or teach/bequeath or propagate
伝わる つたわる INTRANS spread rumor or hand down or travel/convey
伝う つたう INTRANS follow along

**おさまる and things it’s easy to confuse it with**

修める おさめる to study, order your life, or repair one’s fault
収める おさめる to put away, to restore
治める おさめる to rule, to subdue; to suppress; to quell; to settle
納める おさめる to pay (taxes, fees, etc) or to finish
求める もとめる request, wish for, demand, seek
認める みとめる to recognize, admit, acknowledge

Note 2: The reason for all those おさめる was, there are so many kanji options for this word, I was confusing it with 認める and 求める at times, and I had to untangle that


生かす・生きる いかす・いきる to live
生む・生まれる うむ・うまれる to birth
生やす・生える はやす・はえる to grow (to sprout)
生 なま fresh

**Being honest**

正直 しょうじき honest/straightforward
素直 すなお honest/frank/docile


止める とめる・やめる (TRANS) とめる is for persons/objects, やめる is for ACTIONS
止まる とまる (INTRANS) intrans form of とめる (やまる is too rare to consider)
止む やむ (INTRANS) stop an ACTION, this pairs with やめる
止す よす (TRANS) よす is to stop BEFORE you do it (avoid doing it)
~止す さす can also be さす as a suffix, stop in the middle of doing something

**Passing Time**

経つ たつ INTRANS to pass (of time); to elapse​
過ごす・過ぎる すごす・すぎる spend time or overdo or exceed or pass through

by Chezni19

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