How to bring lots of vitamins/supplements/meds?

Hi! I’m traveling to Japan in a couple of weeks & curious how/if I can bring the supplements I take for chronic illness. I take fish oil, magnesium, vitamin d, vitamin c, methyl b12, and propolis daily. I also need to have Tylenol on hand as needed. Typically when I travel, I portion out just enough for the trip & combine into a zip lock bag. Would that be OK for Japan or do they need to be in their respective labeled bottles? It’s just so many bottles to carry (some quite large b/c I buy in bulk) so I’m worried I won’t have space because I’m trying to pack light. I welcome any advice! Also, do I need a note from my doctor on all prescription meds? (I take lamictal, rinvoq, klonopin, Bentyl, gabapentin, and a nasal spray). I’ll be there 12 days so the klonopin amount is much lower than the limit.

by Imaginary_Stable_931

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