For people who have quit jobs. A question/discussion

If you’ve ever quit a job, for whatever reason, I’d be interested to know the reasoning. Obviously you can be as vague as possible if you don’t want to name names; I’m certainly going to do that.

I just hit a tipping point with one of my jobs (I have a few; instead of one full time I do several part time) and I realised that I can no longer do it with any sense of enjoyment. I’ve started to dread it, and to me that’s a clear, un-mistakable, “get out” signal.

For some people, that “get out” signal is something that builds up over a long time, and for others it’s a single moment (which might have been the culmination of the build-up). For others it could be bad relationships with people, bad management…there’s a whole bunch of reasons why people quit.

I’m particularly interested in the thought process that led to it – like I mentioned above, did you consider quitting for a long time, or was it something that happened suddenly? Or some mix of the two?

Looking forward to hearing some interesting stories…

by Tasty_Comfortable_77

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