Having trouble verifying address on line pay. Has this happened to anyone else?

Hello! I’m currently living in Japan and trying to set up line pay using my residence card. I’ve entered my address in the exact hiragana and katakana that is one the back on my card for the verification process and I’m being told that my address did not match. This has happened three times in a row and I do not know what I’m doing wrong. Has this happened to anyone else? Line Pay is still my easiest option right now.

  1. Did you check whether the katakana needed to be 全角 or 半角 (full-width or half-width)?

  2. Is your address on the back of residence card because you moved? Is it clearly shown in the photos you submit? I know it sounds dumb but have you tried simply submitting the address on the FRONT of the card, disregarding the one on the back? I know line pay tells you to identity check with a residence card if you’re a foreigner but I wonder if they’re not smart enough to know the address on the back takes precedence, haha.

    (they don’t need your address for any reason, so even if you get verified with an “old” one, it doesn’t matter)

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