Luggage forwarding for Tokyo to Osaka ( staying 1 night) worth it?

I’ve read a lot of posts on this sub about luggage forwarding and how useful it is.

Our plan is:

– Tokyo hotel –> Osaka hotel (1 night)

2 days in Kyoto and Osaka, mainly Kyoto and Osaka just at night for dotonbori

– Head back to Tokyo

I’ve read that hauling around a large luggage can be more troublesome in Kyoto and Osaka. My SO will be bringing a carry on, backpack, and a check in bag, with the carry on nestled into the check in and the same for me. Since we are only doing Osaka/Kyoto for two days before heading back to Tokyo, will it be worth it to luggage forward? We aren’t worried about the price, moreso if the trains and buses will have space. If the size of our luggage is ok for buses/trains, I was thinking of going to our Osaka hotel in the morning to drop off the luggage (before heading out to Kyoto) or just going straight from Tokyo to Kyoto and storing our luggages in a coin locker. I know that if I forward luggage, I’ll still need to carry a bag for clothes/toiletries since we can be without our suitcases for a day or two.

by Wanderlust0627

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