Reputable English degree programs using GI Bill?

I am currently living in Japan as an active duty military member. I have been living in Japan for about 10 years. My remaining time in the military hinges on being allowed to stay here. I just know I want to continue living here after I leave active duty. In my research a degree is almost necessary this day in age to get a working visa. I did some research and it seems TUJ does not come highly recommended. Are there any other universities that are better? I’m also looking into International University of Japan. They offer master level degrees so ill probably have to spend a little out of pocket for that as it would probably fully exhaust my GI Bill. Ideally I’m looking for IT, CS, BA, IR or something that would help me get a working visa after I graduate. Ideally I’d like to also take Japanese classes. That’s what I did like about TUJ but I want to get a good education aside. My GF currently is on her second renewal of her visa. She currently works at AWS in Osaka. But if I stay in the military long enough and go to school she’ll have PR and will be able to sponsor a spouse visa. But I still would like to be employable. What are actual reputable English degree programs here in Japan?

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