Multiple Cultural Activities Visas in sequence?

**tldr:** Is it possible to do obtain cultural activities visas for different activities in sequence, such that it allows you to stay long term?


I’m currently in Japan on a cultural activities visa learning Shodo for 1 year. My Shodo teacher says that immigration now only extends the visa up to twice, for a maximum of 3 years. After that they won’t approve it again.

Once my three years of Shodo is close to running out, if I use my free time to take classes in a different cultural activity (taiko drum, aikido, etc) and accumulate study time and community recognition in that activity, is it possible to be accepted for a cultural activities visa for that new activity such that there is no gap between when Shodo runs out and the new activity begins? Can you do this continuously to stay long term?

btw money isn’t an issue. I am a FIRE person so I can live forever without earning an income from working. I also don’t want to work in Japan because Japan pays 3x less in my field compared to the US and based on talking to people who work in my field in Japan, you just don’t get to have a life because you must work all the time.

My goal for permanent residency (since you can only get there via work or spouse visa) is to find someone I want to marry. But I have no idea how long that will take so I need a alternative way to spend lots of time in Japan in the meantime.

by Jephta

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