Moving From Kyushu to Hokkaido – Recommended Resources For Finding a Home?

I’m really tired of humid Kyushu summer and the PM2.5 and 黄砂, so considering a move to Hokkaido. It’s similar to the climate where I grew up and I’m interested in the nature there as well. What resources are there for finding places as a foreigner? It’s easy to look at rooms online via Suumo or wherever, but I understand many places are `gaijin bad >:(` by default which makes a lot of online searches pointless. I work remotely so I can go anywhere in Japan which makes it kinda hard to narrow it down. 野幌公園 looks nice, so I guess it wouldn’t need to be Sapporo but could also be Ebetsu.

Also, what are the chances of finding a room with an AC, i.e. cooling unit? I’ve heard that most places don’t have them which makes sense… However, given how horrible last summer apparently was in Hokkaido and increasing temperatures in many places all over the world, I’m willing to bet in a few years AC will become a necessity anyway.

by Polaroidon

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