Apartment on the first floor – chance of burglary and clothes drying?

Hello everyone, I’ve been looking for apartments in Tokyo and found one I really really like but it’s on a first floor within 400m of a station.

The back window sees right into the garden of another building, and has no veranda, just kind of some gas pipes and services stuff on the ground.

I want this apartment but I’m really worried about my house being broken into, as well as my clothes getting a musty smell as without a Veranda, I don’t know what I could do to dry my clothes, because my only alternative would be to leave my windows open, which I definitely don’t want to do.

Are these things I should really be concerned about, or is there something I could do to dry my clothes without much air and without exposing myself to burglaries too much? Are burglaries even something I should be particularly worried about?

by Masterkid1230

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