Is Hakone worth it for a solo traveler? Hiroshima instead?

I’ve nearly got my itinerary figured out for my first trip to Japan (solo), but I keep going back and forth on Hakone.

What I keep debating is

1. Is 2 nights too much for Hakone? Can the area be comfortably “done” with the first day’s afternoon and the second day’s morning? Or is it worth having a full day in the area?
2. Is Hakone worth it for a single traveler? I was doing it mainly for a ryokan experience, but looking around at options I’m noticing most of them are for a minimum of two guests. While I don’t necessarily mind booking for two as long as it fits in the budget (and assuming they allow it), I’m getting the vibe a lot of these places are for honeymooners and other romantic couples which seems like it could be more awkward than enjoyable.

If I don’t do Hakone then I’m thinking the alternative plans would be either adding 2 more days in Tokyo or 1 day in Hiroshima after Kyoto + 1 extra day in Tokyo. For reference, my current high level itinerary is:

Days 1-3: Osaka (hotel booked)

Days 3-7: Kyoto (hotel booked)

Days 7-12: Tokyo

Days 12-14: Hakone

Days 14-15: Osaka

Edit: I ended up booking a ryokan in Hakone for 2 nights. Thanks for all the helpful responses!

by iprocrastina

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