Questions about special education in japan

What services are available to people with developmental disabilities?

From personal experience, having a disability like autism or down syndrome was something families felt a sense if shame. This is within the context of asian culture. Mind you, I grew up in north America.

I’ve worked in the school system in Canada and the demand for services is starting to shift where kids get some support at school. Students that have severe behavioral challenges where they are aggressive, may get a one to one. But that’s rare.

Students with intellectual disabilities are either put into regular classrooms with minimal support or placed into small classes. These smaller classes are for very high needs students. There’s some academics but it’s mainly life strategies.

Some kids I’ve worked with are very aggressive or non verbal with limited communication. Using PECS (picture exchange communication system) information is conveyed between the student and someone else.

What’s the education system like for students like this in Japan?

by twicescorned21

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