Old European tourists in Kyoto

I came back to Kyoto after just a year but my god, things have changed so much since somehow. I came here just AFTER golden week and Gion~Sannenzaka and Nishiki is full of people. The combination of local middle schoolers and tourists makes a perfect storm.

First, I want to say sorry to the Chinese tourists for assuming they are the problem because internet just loves to jump the gun and blame them first. But it was actually old European tourists(I was hearing a lot of french but it must be just a coincidence) who are causing the mass havoc. They were trying to enter people’s homes and sometimes literally trying to jump the fence.

When in doubt, don’t fucking touch it. That is the rule #1 when you are visiting any country. I

Younger generation who comes to Japan are usually educated enough about the rules and they behave well despite the language barrier. It’s the old people who are brash and just kinda rude.

I know it’s really cringe to shit on tourists when I‘m a tourist myself eld but my god… it’s always the few bad ones which ruin everything. Kyoto is the definition of “this is why we can’t have nice things”.

P.s. Nishiki Market is entering Tsukiji Market price. I swear the prices got so much more expensive.

by RawhideJohnston

  1. those middle-schoolers are also tourists. locals don’t go to those places

  2. Nothing wrong with tourists checking Kyoto out, but some people have no sense of respect. I’ve seen tourists go so far as to actually entering premises of ichiriki tei.

  3. So you go to Kyoto for a couple of days, see a few French misbehaving during one of your outings and then start blaming a whole generation from a certain continent for the city’s tourism problem?

  4. Can confirm. Every anoying situations i had were with french speaking people. Doesnt matter the age.

  5. Old Europeans (I only assume because they don’t speak english) usually take pictures of my clients who are wearing kimonos, not discreetly but right in front of their face and without asking for permission.
    Once I told them “sorry, don’t take a picture” and she replied “just a moment” and kept taking pictures.

  6. I was just in Kyoto last week and there were 3 young guys snickering over a convenience store porno mag directly in front of the cash register. A Japanese woman and I were obviously annoyed so I asked them if they were waiting. My question apparently annoyed *them* haha, “Uhm, no…” I paid for some bills at the counter after moving around them and the staff were pretty cold to me, I could tell they are super burnt out from tourists. Another staff member did eventually go up to the guys and snatch the mag out of their hands with a “NO!”. Good for her haha. They do not get paid enough. I think a lot of people are so wrapped up in “being in JAPAN!” That they don’t exactly think about how their actions affect others. I also think the language barrier and the long list of differences makes visitors feel like they’re in a bubble and their better judgement fails them. Much more so than when they visit countries with similar cultures to their own. Especially westerners in other western countries. That goes for all ages.

  7. Been living in Japan for decades and you are wrong. It’s the people from C that litters, tresspass and name it.

  8. We went to a Restaurant in Fujikawaguchiko yesterday and a third of the wall was plastered with signs telling people not to do utterly insane things.
    Do not bring your own food/drink into the restaurant, do not step on the decoration, do not lay out food on the menu etc.

    How disrespectful can a person be to force these signs?

    Honestly makes me sad.

  9. I’m here right now and the French have been great lol but generally it’s been chaotic though. The old Italians speak so damn loud we kept trying to run away from them at Inari. Some old english dudes on the subway, a few Brazilians. I’m chalking it up to just, white people.

  10. Was there recently as tourist and what ground my gears the most was people walking the wrong fucking way despite clearly observable stream of people walking the proper direction but no, they gotta walk on the right, bump into everybody, cause congestion and just look at you bewildered if you dont yield at a narrow passage and just stare at them waiting for them to realize how fucking walking works. /rant over

  11. Chinese are as bad as Europeans lol, they are hated for a reason, u just forgot how bad they are cuz most of them stopped coming here

  12. > I was hearing a lot of french but it must be just a coincidence

    Pet theory: French people have more holidays so they’re statistically more present among tourists. Then, assuming all countries have the same proportion of assholes, you are going to see more French assholes as a result of there being more French in the first place.

  13. I was boarding a train and an European tourist just cut the line and try to enter the train before people unboarding the train. Annoyed me so much.

  14. European tourists need to learn to shower daily and wear anti-perspirant deodorant. Many of them stink to high heaven. At least Americans and Canadians smell okay. My fellow Americans commit a different, more abhorrent crime though, that being bad fashion sense. If I see one more American wearing Oakley’s, under armor with jeans and boat shoes, I’m gonna call the police. Learn how to coordinate an outfit, jfc. Cargo shorts with a tight shirt? Straight to jail.

  15. My experience with the French have been most unpleasant. They feel entitled to everything and they are very obnoxious and condescending. Nothing but rudeness from these people.

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