Purchasing a house

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I live in Australia and am looking to purchase a freestanding house at Lake Nojiri. I have inspected the property and am satisfied with the construction, local regulations and the price.

However I do not currently have a solicitor or accountant in Japan to advise me on tax matters and to ensure the contract and terms are all ok.

Typically in Australia both the buyer and seller will consult their own solicitor and accountant to protect their interests in a property deal, but I gather this is not always the case in Japan. Or am I mistaken?

What perhaps confuses the issue is that my real estate agent (an expat who has lived in Japan for decades) is also the owner of the house… he says he can handle everything through his solicitor and accountant.

So essentially I don’t have anyone looking out for my interests. Is that common? Am I right to be cautious?

How would I go about finding my own advisors, should I need to?

Thanks in advance,


by Large-Octopussy

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