Some reviews and takeaways from Dontaku

I’m glad Cobb is finally champ again it’s been way too long, he should have a big monster run. He also brings something different to the 15 minute time limit. He can squash folk he can have big hoss fights. Should be great.

Also, this should allow for Zack to do something bigger. Whether that is win the G1, the HW belt or the Global belt. It shouldn’t be anything less. Honestly think he should have dropped the belt to Cobb at dominion last year, the 2nd half of his reign was meh and he could have taken the UK title off Ospreay as a way to move up the card.

Fujita vs UE had some fun tag matches. He had great chemistry vs Akira and surprised they aren’t in the same block for BOSJ. Also, please book him vs Newman at some point. They probably should have just thrown it on a road to show this tour and had it go to a 10/15 minute time limit. Easy content to improve a show.

Tag belt vortex has been sad this year. I thought KENTA and Chase shouldn’t have won in the first place and also thought Bishamon shouldn’t have won now again believe KENTA and Chase shouldn’t have won.

Also, they could have made things clearer at that post match angle. Is Resurgence going to be a 4 way with all belts on the line? Goto and Yoshi aren’t advertised. Is it just going to be TMDK vs BC to unify the belts or are they going to run TMDK vs GoD again and unify the belts at Dominion.

Furthermore, they need to make their mind up if they want two separate set of tag champs. I personally like having the Strong belts but they need to stop unifying then un-unifying them. Aussie Open became undisputed champs then they got separated at Independence day, they got joined together at WK by God then separated again. Now they are teasing putting them together again.

I liked the two Nemeth matches. They were different because they had more of a WWE structure. The main downside there is that the finishes felt underwhelming. They really should have counted the Ishii match so he could be on V2 at least. I don’t think he is going to do a Riddle and disappear. I reckon he wants to do a G1. There are definitely matches I still want to see vs Naito, Takagi, Sanada and Tsuji to name a few.

Finlay champ again, sure. It just feels lackluster considering he lost it in his first defence. He should probably hold it for the rest of the year and drop it to Zack, ELP or one of the youngsters.

I liked the main event. Not unsatisfactory levels of interference. More of the SHO structure (shenanigans, normal match then maybe more shenanigans) than the Narita structure (normal match then shenanigans). Narita looked good and I think he is really shinning. I liked his matches vs Shota and Zack this year.

The crowd seemed to be behind Moxley or perhaps they really got involved with the Anti-HOT pantomime. There was a lot dramatic pauses and camera angles at the end. Made me thought Umino was going to hit Mox in the back with blaze blade. Excited for the story they tell at Resurgence. I don’t want Umino to win here. He should have 2-3 matches to overcome his mentor. Would kind of like an Omega/ Ospreay 1 style squash. Where Moxley violently beats Umino. Them Umino has to fight his way back to a rematch for Forbidden Door maybe even a 3rd at WK.

Considering it’s next week, Resurgence got little build or hype on broadcast. Especially as some matches are still to be made. Tickets aren’t doing the hottest but they are still decent just not WCR good.

by shecanbromehard

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