(Dontaku Spoilers) Wrestler establishes his next feud + progresses his character

YOUR Rebel Savior, the ultimate gothic chad, the Savage King, David Motherfuckin Finlay is now a 2x Global Champion. The Rebel has announced that he’s coming after SANADA, since he’s the only blemish on his record in the past year:

– beat Nicky from Spirit Squad as revenge for taking the Global Title

– beat Mouthbreeder Bruv because he eliminated him from G1

– beat Metrosexual Future for stealing his New Japan Cup win

– now SANADA is next for beating The Rebel in last year’s Cup Finals

I love this, it gives Finlay more edge to his character, as a guy who legitimately holds long-term grudges, and plans everything out ahead. A major point in Finlay’s character is that he’s a spoiled nepo baby, so him going after a guy who he has no personal beef with, just because he eliminated him fairly from a tournament A YEAR AGO is so petty, and so in line with the gimmick. Should be a fun feud.

by DawnOfLegion1

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