Regarding Abnormal Cells and Surgery

Hey ladies,

I’m currently working with my gynecologist as I’ve had HSIL CIN2 (abnormal cells in the cervix) for about a year now and since it’s not regressing we’ve started to discuss treatment options. I’ve never had to deal with anything like this before and I’m so lost.

My gynecologist presented me with 2 options 1. Laser removal or 2. Surgical removal (円錐切除術)

Have any of you here dealt with this before in Japan? I would really love to hear your stories and advice as I’m still in my early 20s and dealing with this away from my family has made me really anxious.

I’m also aware that having these procedures done increases the risk of miscarriage in the future but to be honest I’m more scared of getting cancer and would like to get his solved if I can.

Any advice or words of encouragement are appreciated. Thank you.

by plushsylveon

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