Itinerary check and restaurant recommendations

Hi All,

My partner (31F) and I (32M) will be in Tokyo for 4.5 days in May while travelling in Japan for a month. This sub has been incredibly helpful to get our wider initerary sorted and for helpful tips, however we are a bit overwhelmed by the options in Tokyo, especially when it comes to attractions, areas and restaurants.

Recommendations for restaurants/ bars / cafes in each of the areas would be greatly appreciated. N.B. we are 1 pescatarian and 1 proper vegetarian.

We are also planning a day at the end of our trip in Tokyo to go to the Ghibli museum.

Here’s our current plan:

Day 1 – Land in the afternoon, take limousine bus to hotel in Shinjuku. Explore Shinjuku, possibly Tokyo Metropolitan Government building if we have time and golden gai in the evening. Dinner and bar TBD.

Day 2 – Early start to head to Asukusa and Senso ji. Explore wider Asukusa. Lunch TBD. Head to Akhiharbara, quick stop at milk shop hut then join Tokyo localised walking tour (already booked) ending in Ueno park.
Dinner TBD.

Day 3 – Explore Hirajuku, lunch option Vegan Bistro Jangara. Explore Shibuya in the afternoon. Teamlabs Boaderless (already booked).
Dinner TBD.

Day 4 – Imperial palace, explore Ginza, Tsujiki market.

Day 5 – Shinjuku national garden and Roponggi. Possibly more?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts/help and apologies for any spelling mistakes.

Edit: replaced market for garden

by mcleodez

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