Need a better study routine or tips for reading comprehension

Hi all, I wanted to get some advice here on how I can restructure or modify my study routine to get better results since I feel like I’ve been stuck in a loop of repeating the same mistakes for a bit.

My current daily study routine is:

* Anki – Review: 200 | New: 12 (Words per day) \[\~1hr\]
* BunPro Grammar – Review: \~50 | New: 2 (Sentences per day) \[\~30min – 1hr\]
* Satori Reader (Min: 1 episode read per day) \[10min – 1hr\]

According to the SRS stats:

BunPro (Grammar Points Studied): N5 – 126/126, N4 – 177/177, N3 – 106/219, N2 – 20/213, N1 – 0/180

Anki: 5683 Mature, 935 Young

I’ve been doing this new routine since February and it’s been working okay, but I’ve felt like I’ve been making very little progress in my reading comprehension. On rare days I can effortlessly comprehend the sentences, but most days I’m exhausted reading slightly complex sentences even thought I just started studying. It’s weird feel like I’m going too slow and too fast at the same time.

Luckily BunPro and Satori Reader show me the explanations of sentences so I can immediately pick apart what parts I was misunderstanding. However it’s like no matter how many times I do this I am not making any progress, making the same mistakes on the same parts of sentences. I know getting things wrong is part of the progress and it takes a while, but after doing this for months it starts to feel like I’m running in circles.

It’s like I’m not doing something right or my study routine isn’t working and I need to change something about it. I’ve tried to switch games over to Japanese in order to mix things up a bit, but I’ve realized most of my games don’t have much actual reading. Playing a game like Minecraft for hours with almost zero reading isn’t going to do much. Which really leaves me with NHK easy or something, I don’t really have many reading-based hobbies. I mostly just take walks when I get bored.

Is there anything in my current routine I can change? Or is it just keep reading for hours and hours until it sticks?

Should I use the pomodoro technique to break of the monotony and do that for 4 hours a day? Watch more grammar explanation videos? Read Japanese wikipedia? I don’t know, just thinking of random things, any suggestions are welcome.

Edit: So after doing some research, I’ve come across the term “affective filter hypothesis” and feel like that may explain my issue with being unable to parse sentence while reading some days. I just wanted to add this for context since it would explain why I can re-read the same sentence on different days and get differing comprehension results.

by thechief120

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