Moved to Nagoya last month and happily surprised

I’m living in Japan for a year to work and travel while I complete some of my studies remotely. I was initially disappointed that I got assigned to Nagoya because I had my heart set on Kyoto. But having lived here for a little while I’m so happy with the decision. It’s not a touristy city, and it has a great balance between modern architecture, trendy neighbourhoods and kind of old fashioned residential areas. There are several busy shopping areas with nicer restaurants etc but my favourite thing to do is find cute little hole in the wall cafes and restaurants.

There aren’t many English speakers so it kind of forces you to learn Japanese and locals are always eager to help if you look lost. I was a bit apprehensive about xenophobia because it’s known for being a conservative city but have yet to encounter any negative interactions with locals (hope I haven’t spoken too soon).

It’s a great walking city and I was hoping to include some photos of my favourite walks so far but attachments aren’t allowed. Highly recommend this as a place to live temporarily and according to my colleagues who’ve lived here for several years, it’s great for that too.

It’s also very close to Kyoto and Osaka and only 1.5 hours from Tokyo on the bullet train!

by hopeyoufindurdad

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