Japan Solo Adventure: First-Timer Seeks Itinerary & Local Tips (May 8th-23rd)!

Hey everyone! I am super excited to be heading to Japan for the first time as a solo male traveler (May 8th-23rd). I’ve got some points to burn so I’m booked in hotels, but still finalizing the itinerary.

**Itinerary Breakdown (Open to Suggestions):**

* **May 8th-10th:** Landing in KIX straight to Osaka
* **May 10th-14th:** Kyoto (Day trips to Nara and Hiroshima?)
* **May 14th-23rd:** Tokyo (Living in Ginza)

**Current Thoughts:**

* Not sure if Osaka needs 3 days or if I should skip Kyoto entirely and spend more time in Osaka (8-14th) or do Osaka 8-10 and Kyoto 10-15?
* Open to other day trip ideas from Kyoto besides Nara and Hiroshima.
* In Osaka, clueless on what to see and do!
* For Tokyo, I’m planning on hitting Shibuya, Akihabara, Asakusa, TeamLabs, Skytree, Tokyo Tower (Debating Sumo), Pokemon stuff (big fan!), maybe Disney, Shinjuku, and the Harry Potter studio. Open to more ideas!
* Considering a day trip to Mt. Fuji.


* Hotels booked (burning points!) so in Osaka staying at Namba and Tokyo in Ginza for Kyoto debating between Kyoto Station vs. Gion district for Kyoto. (Please Help)
* Ideally, I’d stay in hostels to meet people, but hotels win this round. Any tips for meeting fellow traveler to meet people and make friends?


* Modern stuff, especially technology!
* Love food but I am a Vegetarian who doesn’t eat eggs
* Love learning about new cultures and experiences.

**Would appreciate any input on:**

* Itinerary optimization (especially Osaka and Kyoto) Not sold on Hiroshima
* Must-see/do recommendations in each city
* Tips for solo travelers in Japan
* Ways to meet other travelers despite hotels
* Gion district vs. Kyoto Station for accommodation

Also I have read is it true that you need your passport on you 24\*7?

Thanks in advance, Japan travel experts! Any advice is super helpful for this last-minute planning frenzy!

by wildwildcoaster

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