Which textbook for a small, split level class?

I have two young students in the same class, can create my own curriculum but really want text book recommendations as I’m not being paid for anything beyond classroom time.

A bit more info – one is a returnee with fluent conversational skills but weak writing ability and struggles with a learning disability that affects their processing/recall. They are not an academic student. The other is one of the smartest kids I’ve met, after about a year they scored around 70% in a pre intermediate Eiken style test.
Student 2’s reading and writing are solid for their ability level. They study hard and push themselves academically. Both are 13.

I’ve seen some National Geographic English textbooks which look just a little too challenging for them. But if there was something similar, using a subject or some academic content with something relatable for them, plus a bunch of speaking, grammar and critical thought exercises that would be great. Fwiw they are getting grammar instruction from Japanese textbooks. So my focus is on output/production.

Does anyone have any recommendations or point me at?


by Icanicoke

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