Trouble finding short-term apartment in Kobe

I’ve recently decided to spend a few months at the Lexis language school in Kobe. I’ve been trying my best to find an apartment and I’m getting a very mixed bag in search results, so I thought I’d try asking if anyone else on here has had a similar experience and maybe has advice on how to proceed.

* It seems like the AirBnB selection in Kobe is extremely limited. I’m looking for something for October and understandably there isn’t much left, but even widening my search to November or December instead kind of gives the same result. All of the apartments seem to be extremely expensive while at the same time being either not worth the money or too far from the school.
* I’m unfortunately not in a very good spot to take advantage of share houses, student housing, or even homestay because I’d need some privacy to continue working remotely and I feel like it would just be a bit much on top of everything I’d have to do on any given day.
* Had a look at the wiki and searched the subreddit, as well as short-term rental options with weekly/monthy mansions, but to me those websites are a bit impossible to navigate, since they don’t have a map with properties or anything and are more often than not completely in Japanese.
* The school is saying they’re all booked for the apartments they offer.
* A bit bizarre to me how there are so many options in Tokyo that are cheaper on top of it, was wondering if I’m looking in wrong places.

I don’t want to come off as whiny or spoiled or anything, just looking for a clean furnished apartment with tolerable commute that would give me some peace and quiet to work and rest after a long day. Would appreciate any pointers.

  1. Well I mean you’re looking for a service that exists for the kind of people who would likely be in Tokyo (short term fully furnished rental in English – i.e. accommodation generally for people on business), and that there is almost zero demand for in Kobe. Seems you know it from the post but you’re severely limiting yourself by not looking at options in Japanese – absolutely loads just from a Google of 短期 マンション 神戸

  2. Isn’t this literally the reason LeoPalace exists? Fully furnished, short term stay apartments?

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