Am I missing out if my first trip to Japan doesn’t include Tokyo Advice

I’m trying to plan a trip for early October with my fiance. The maximum amount of time we can get off would be 14 days which means we would have 11 full days in Japan.

In order to not jam back our trip too much, we are wondering whether it would make sense to forgo Tokyo from this first trip to Japan. This would allow us to focus more on Kyoto and Osaka with day trips to Nara and Kobe.

I guess my main question is, are we missing out if we don’t include Tokyo in our first trip over? We both like visiting historical sites on our travels, so we are thinking Kyoto is a must for us. And Osaka seems like a city that would provide a lot of the same city activities that Tokyo offers.

by BambiGetUp

  1. If you plan on visiting Japan again, not going to Tokyo is fine. It’ll be there in a few years when you’re ready to go again. It might not be the same Tokyo, the city has been going through a lot of changes recently, but I think the overall vibe of Tokyo will still be around for a bit longer.

  2. I did a week-long trip in February, and we hit four cities. I think you’ll be fine skipping Tokyo; it gives you a reason to go back. All cities have interesting things to do and see, you just have to go looking for them.

  3. Absolutely! It’s your trip!

    I think the more relevant question is whether you – and not internet strangers – will be content with your current plan. That all depends on *your* travel goals, interests, and priorities, not mine.

    If you change your mind, it’s easy enough to change your plans once you’re in Japan.

  4. Honestly do what suits you. Everyone will say you ‘should’ do something. But what you ‘should’ do is what makes sense for your budget and time.

  5. I’ve been to Japan 5 times and still haven’t gone to Tokyo but have very much loved every single trip. Japan has so much to offer in all of it’s prefectures so there isn’t anything you would particularly ‘miss’ if you didn’t go to Tokyo on your first time there.

  6. You’ll be fine and likely will have a good trip. No matter how long you spend in Japan, you’ll be missing out on *some* things. Don’t worry about them. Enjoy what you do visit, see, and do.

  7. Most people visit Tokyo because most western airlines only fly into it anyway, and it has the biggest number of things to do of any city in Japan. I’ve been there at least 8 times and I still haven’t run out of things to do.

    That said, Kansai and it’s surrounding area definately can occupy you for 11 days, so it’s not unreasonable to just stay around there.

  8. It’s your trip but I can’t imagine a trip, especially a first time trip that didn’t spend significant time in the most important city in Japan.

    I’ve been numerous times and I could easily spend a month in Tokyo without running out of things to do.

    Osaka is fun as well and I love the place but I don’t think it is close in terms of quality of visit

    Most people need to go to Kyoto to see the temples etc. so you probably shouldn’t reduce that.

    In a two week trip you should easily have time for Tokyo

  9. Not that big of a deal if you will revisit Japan again. When I brought my parents to visit Japan for their first time we did Kansai only, similar to you.

    And even if you don’t, it’s your trip. Like you mentioned, Osaka is fine as an urban destination.

  10. As others have said, no big deal, but 11 days is plenty. If you fly into/out of Narita/Haneda, why not just spend one night either side of arriving/leaving in Tokyo? Penty of historical stuff and gives a chance to relax a bit without having one more flight or lengthy shinkansen after what’s likely a veeery long uncomfortable flight. 

  11. >Are we missing out if we don’t include Tokyo in our first trip over?

    Yes – There is simply no getting around it. Tokyo is a massive city with an incredible amount to offer, but it’s not the end-all, be-all of Japan.

    You can absolutely have a great time without visiting Tokyo, I don’t see anything wrong with skipping it if you believe that other places are going to be more enjoyable for you.

    Also, when you are back home next Fall, reflecting on your awesome trip and thinking about your next one, this will be an easy excuse to go back.

  12. We spent a few days in Tokyo because every flight flew directly to Tokyo then went to Osaka or Fukuoka or wherever else, there’s no direct flight option to other cities for us. It’s still a wonderful trip without Tokyo but there’s so much to do there. It’s a must stop at least once.

  13. I was only in Osaka for a couple of nights but it didn’t impress me anywhere near as much as Tokyo. Each to their own though, I know Osaka is a good base for day trips.

  14. its okay. just a trip to that part of japan sounds fun. osaka is a good contender for tokyo, quite different though.
    but thats okay. visit tokyo another time. i often felt is a bit rediculous how all tourists follow that trail of both. unless you have like 3 weeks or more.
    and the connection by shinkansen is the most overcrouded part, so japan will be grateful if you dont do it.

  15. I think only you can decide this, OP. Some internet studying can tell you what’s in Tokyo vs Kansai, and you should pursue what appeals to you the most. There’s no right or wrong answer. Kansai holds more of historical Japan and is beautiful.

  16. Are you flying into and exiting out from KIX (Osaka), or NRT/HND (Tokyo)?

    IF NRT/HND, keep the very last full day to Tokyo and fly out the next. This is to prevent any last minute events (like earthquakes) from hindering your transport to the airport. It’s called breather space.

    IF KIX, skip Tokyo. Stay in Osaka.

    I do this whenever I enter Japan. Last full day goes to the departing city. Coz if there’s any F-ups, at least I can find my way to my departing airport. No F-ups, I can wander around the city.

  17. Depends on you. We’ve been now in Tokyo and we found out it wasn’t our city and we are more of a Kyoto family:p 1 day for some shopping is more than enough for us and we will be avoiding it in future trips:p

  18. I would NOT. If anything I’d suggest ONLY going to Tokyo or Tokyo and Osaka.

  19. Out of our 12 days we’re only spend 2 in Tokyo since we fly in/out of HND. Go see what you want to see, not what vloggers and reddit tell you to go see 😁

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