One of the most fun & spontaneous nights of my life was spent at a bar in Osaka that all I have to remember by is this fan. Is this familiar to anyone?

It was by the train station & around the corner from a 7-Eleven. We cautiously walked in on our first night in Japan and even though they had closed, they welcomed us with open arms once they knew we were from Chicago. We sang sweet home chicago, blues songs, drank beer & whiskey and didn’t leave til 4am. It was one of the most memorable travel stories I have. When we left they have us this fan & said it was their business card. I just found it & would love to send them a gift. Sorry if this doesn’t belong here but r/translator didn’t seem specific enough in case this isn’t the name. Also hoping someone knows this place. Amazing husband & wife who owned it I believe. Putting pic in comments.

  1. It’s the hiragana for “ho”. That’s all it says. What part of Osaka was this? It may be very hard to find this place with just “ho” alone.

  2. I lived in Osaka for a year. This story takes me back. These kind of nights are so common and I miss it!

  3. Sounds like Osaka. I remember one time I poked my head in a tiny bar in Osaka, and everyone inside turned around and cheered for me to enter. A big It was ridiculous.

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