Another neighbor issue

Apologies in advance for being yet another complainant about difficult neighbors in Japan.

I live in a leopalace in Yamanashi Prefecture. Semi inaka area, not a lot around. Very beautiful place, but from literally a few hours of having moved into my apartment I’ve had issues with the neighbor below.

Mostly this consists of loud tv and music all night long, for which a complaint to management and decent earplugs seems to have mostly alleviated. He still plays it all day very loudly, but you know daytime hours and all that; I don’t mind too much.

The worse issue is that it seems whenever I do anything in my apartment, such as walking normally, any cleaning, moving things, occasionally accidentally dropping something… This neighbor is punching the ceiling (seemingly) with all his might. I mean the whole unit shakes when he does it, I’m sure he’s damaging that ceiling. I try to be mindful of my own noise and do things carefully, but realistically there is only so much you can do. It’s such an aggressive sound, that he just comes across as unhinged, especially with the low level of noise he is reacting to.

I empathise with him that these units are not well built, and sound travels significantly, but I can’t live like some completely silent monk, especially in daylight hours. Just now he punched the ceiling twice because I opened and closed a shelf. This time, I knocked back as I was sick of it. I’m just hoping he’s not a complete psycho who will work himself up to violence or confrontation. He doesn’t seem normal to say the least.

Any advice? Things I’ve already tried: talking to him directly (won’t answer door), getting a rug for the floor, being mindful of my noise and actions without literally just hiding in my bed all day. My inclination right now is to simply ignore him as best I can, and maybe bang back if he’s going at it.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I put another complaint in, which the neighbor should receive this week sometime. My company has offered to help me move to another nearby leopalace. I mean, I could have crazy neighbors there too, but I really doubt they’ll be as bad as this guy. I’ll probably make the move soon.

by MooTheM

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