Affordable root canal – MTA cement Tokyo

I’ve posted a few dental posts lately as I try to navigate dental work without getting ripped off. My dental clinic convinced me to go with a private root canal on a molar and quoted me 100k but now it looks like it will be 150 k or more. They also told me after, not before mind you, that I can’t get a crown covered by insurance and said a ceramic crown might be ¥160,000. I’ve paid for the root cleaning part and am considering moving to another clinic. Does anyone know of a reasonably priced clinic that use MTA cement? How much did it cost you per canal filling if you had a root canal? Thank you in advance!! Any input is a massive help.

by Lmchhh

1 comment
  1. Dental work here seems to be pretty much a scam.

    I had a root canal done, and mid way through the process, after they’d done much of the drilling and reshaping of the tooth, they chose that moment to ask which crown I want, at either 50k, 100k or 150k (if I remember right). Like a jackass, I picked the 150k as that was the one they recommend.

    If they’d discussed this before the work, while I was thinking clearly, I would have made different decisions.

    Insurance is complete bullshit too. Insurance should cover things, that’s it’s job; but no… everything is “well we can do this, but it’s not covered by insurance” You want an ugly metal tooth, no problem. You want a tooth that looks like a tooth, sure – but it’s not covered by insurance.

    What’s the point of insurance if it does not cover basically anything.

    So yeah, I feel your pain. Dental work is horribly expensive here in my opinion. I’m considering a short vacation to Seoul the next time I need something done.

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