I just successfully failed an N2 mock exam!

I successfully failed an N2 mock exam! Now, you might find yourself asking how does one successfully fail a test? Well, I’ll tell you… spectacularly.

You see, when I woke up this morning the last thing I expected was that I would pass every single section, but then fail overall by a measly seven points. Several points of which, mind you, I could’ve gotten had I not been a dumbass and picked the first answer I’d thought of instead of overcomplicating things like I usually do.

However, I’m glad I took this test because:

1) It shows me where I need work.

2) Despite failing I’ve gotten a decent confidence boost given that the official exam is still three months away and I still managed to pass every section.

3) The mock exams I bought include answer and explanation sheets. I now know what points I need to focus on, etc… plenty of study material.

It was also a good idea to get these exams because I haven’t taken a test in four years. It’s a good refresher on basic test-taking skills (e.g. not fucking up basic shit, getting questions done in a timely manner, etc.).

So yeah, now I just need to focus on getting the scores from each section as high as possible over the coming months. I did much worse on the listening section this time than I thought I was going to as it’s usually my strongest skill. It was still my second best section though.

I have two more practice exams and three months left. Here’s to hoping that’s enough time!

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