Help with a difficult coworker

I have a coworker who will always, when I come to work, do some weird anime spell on me. For example, he will “hadoken” me or “kamehameha” me. He also tells students and office staff to call him “Dragon” even though his name is Derek. How should I deal with an annoying coworker?

  1. Pretend he doesn’t exist.

    When he does his thing, look him straight in the eyes for a few second and move on.

    Or what i would personally do is mimic his action

    If he does hadoken, do shuryuken to him.

  2. Please tell me coworker is a 33-43 year old white guy, please tell me coworker is a 33-43 year old white guy…

  3. Acknowledge that you really don’t want to acknowledge it. Just awkwardly stare him down and turn away. An exasperated sigh might add to it also. There’s a fine line between subtle passive aggressive and a bit much though.

    The other option OP, is buy a wizard hat and wand, demands to be called Dumbledore, and expelliamus the fuck out of him until they hopefully realise how irritating it is. This is a terrible idea, there’s an equal high chance they’ll see it as you encouraging them and revealing your passions. The rest of the staff room will also probably not enjoy it.

  4. As long as it doesn’t impact your lessons or work leave them be. It isn’t your job to manage their behaviour. Leave that to your manager.

  5. Hi ~~Dick~~ err Derek, can I have a quick word? You know how you like to ~~annoy the fuck out of everyone~~ joke around? Well, it’s actually ~~fucking annoying~~ become a bit disruptive and a mild source of stress when I come to work. (Insert lie here if necessary e.g. I like you) but, I’d really like to ask you to do me a favour and cut that shit out. Cheers man, you have a good one!

    Edit: Looks like Derek has entered the chat. Downvotes ahoy

  6. I`m assuming he is a fully grown adult?

    I that case, it`s easy. Derek you are acting like a 5 year old, go away!


  7. That sounds pretty much par for the course in terms of Guy-named-Derek-in-Japan behavior.

  8. Assuming this isn’t BS…

    1. Just ignore it. He’s another ALT, he’ll grow up eventually (maybe) and you’ll never be in the same class together.

    2. The Dragon shit is weird. Reminds me of a fat, Angry, English dude who (weirdly) chose to wear a WWII jacket with a swastika and demanded that he be bowed to and called sensei. Unfortunately in this guy’s case he spent ~35 years in Japan (hating every minute… with a Chinese ‘dependent spouse’ who also hated Japan). Alas… the weird ones are often the ones who stay around forever as they can’t get a job elsewhere (I seriously dunno how this particular dude wasn’t sacked for wearing a swastika, being aggressive towards kids/colleagues and having a solid reputation in the community for being a royal douchebag). He’s not the firat or last weird dude though.

  9. “That’s weird; please stop.” repeat as necessary. Cold shoulder, ignore him; turn your back.

    Refuse to call him “Dragon” – it’s unprofessional to say the least; cutesy nicknames don’t belong in a work environment.

    Do the school staff allow him to have the students call him this? They shouldn’t. But that’s not your call to make if they do. Just ignore it and get on with your job.

  10. That’s a tough one.

    If you don’t enjoy that behaviour when it’s directed at you then speak up. Tell them.
    On the other hand, if it’s only mildly annoying to you and no one else thinks so then suck it up and mind your own business, maybe the kids don’t mind it as much as you do.

  11. Block and close distance. You could also try to jump and punish with a kick.

  12. I’d cringe so hard my soul would leave my body, but as long as it is not actively hurting anyone or preventing you from doing your job then 仕方がない。

    He seems to have fun with it for some reason, and as long as the students aren’t complaining I doubt it’s cause for any correctional intervention.

    That said, try talking to him about it. Ask him nicely if he could stop doing that to you and if he doesn’t then seek advice from your other coworkers.

  13. Yeah. Have fun with it. This is much better than having a stiff, boring piece of cardboard as a co-worker. Unless that’s your sort of thing.

  14. Farting always de-escalates a situation and it seems like this situation needs a lot of de-escalating. Are you lactose intolerant? That could be your edge.

    For me, I eat some blueberry yogurt in the morning and I’m gassy all day. Keeps the weirdos away… 100

  15. yeah… lot of people are telling you to ignore it but I know how awful it is working with a weirdo like that. the fact of the matter is that he’s never gonna be your friend and you don’t want to talk to him at work. so as politely as you can tell him to stop doing anime magic at you, you don’t like it and it’s annoying, and that you’re fine calling him Dragon because whatever. but trust me, it’s better to just have one short awkward conversation about how he is annoying the fuck out of you than let it fester for however long you’re going to have to work with him.

  16. Just gently remind him he’s a weeb loser and nobody will ever love him. After he eventually stops crying he’ll be quiet as a mouse.

  17. Why feel anything? It sounds like this is not an everyday occurrence and it only bugs you. This is probably his way of coping with stress, while yours seems to be getting upset at other people for acting differently. If it bothers you that much remember you’re in Japan and things can be different from the west, so get over it or join him, he’s not hurting anyone.

  18. You know I always wanted to believe these kind of idiots were like an urban myth, before working in Japan I would always say “there’s no way, come on who actually acts like that”. Three months later I found out who actually does act like that…

  19. Your gonna have to challenge him to a waifu body pillow fight. It will have to be to the death so prepare accordingly.




    And if those don’t work. FIREBALL!!!

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