Japanese angst as India set to become 4th largest economy – DW – 05/10/2024

Although most of it has to do with weakening of yen since GDP is calculated in dollars by IMF/WB, the long term implications of it can’t be understated.

by AmbiguosArguer

  1. Haha! How low can you go! Oh but a weak yen is such a GOOD idea! Hell ya keep going.

  2. Angst over what? They have 10x the population of Japan, I would expect they have a larger economy as they further develop

  3. I doubt normal Japanese people are concerned over India surpassing Japan than on rising prices for their day-to-day items.

    The headline should be “Japanese economist and politicians angst as India set to…”

  4. Now compare GDP per capital. And see how the countries compare. Also number of people under the poverty line.

  5. This is a non-issue and a non-story. I’m originally from India and the country, despite having built trains and bridges, is incomparable even to other developing countries like Turkey or Mexico. It’s in a league of its own as to how underdeveloped it is and remains to be.

    India’s greatest strength seems to be foreigners believing it’s capable of so much when in fact its rise is going to be quite slow. I expect it to feel underdeveloped in many aspects even decades from now because people outside rarely understand the scope of its entrenched problems and issues.

  6. That’s what you get for being subservient to the Americans, for god sake have some spine

  7. GDP and quality of life are totally separate issues… Even if China or india passes up the US, the’ll do it by polluting their country. If China was doing so well, why are they beginning to blast water cannons at Philippine military vessels and fishing boats. They recognize that unless they take some serious bullying tactics and continue to push into the south china sea, the standards of living will continue to drop as it has since covid. Taiwan would be a suicide mission for China as well because even if they took Taiwan, the Taiwanese would self sabotage and refuse to implement their chip production, leaving China well behind. China imports over 80% of their chips from Taiwan and Ji understands that this is the best relationship that they will have and and invasion would be absolutely catastrophic to the Chinese gov and people a whole

  8. Its a surprisingly useless article by DW, India’s Economy is already 3x the size of Japan, which isn’t bad for Japan though and Japan has 12x less people than India.

    [IMF GDP PPP Data](https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PPPGDP@WEO/OEMDC/ADVEC/WEOWORLD) + [Informal Economy data](https://archive.ph/mBijZ) = India’s Economy is approximately $20.3T, Japan’s $7.3T.

    For anyone wondering why GDP PPP instead of unadjusted and raw Nominal GDP: ”The major use of PPPs is as a first step in making inter-country comparisons in real terms of gross domestic product (GDP) and its component expenditures”[-OECD](https://www.oecd.org/sdd/purchasingpowerparities-frequentlyaskedquestionsfaqs.htm#FAQ3)

    ”The right metric for international comparisons is purchasing power parity (PPP)-adjusted output. This corrects for exchange rate fluctuations and differences in various national prices.” [-Bruegel](https://www.bruegel.org/analysis/european-unions-remarkable-growth-performance-relative-united-states)

    There are many more relevant Economic Organisations and Economists talking about this and why Nominal GDP is not how to measure the size of an economy but i don’t want to ”spam” links here, the above quoted organisations have dozends of member states, Japan is a member of OECD too.

  9. There is sooo much FUD about Japan it is comical. People really lack the financial literacy to understand what is going on in general. Japan is still the 4th largest economy on the planet. Could be worse.

  10. If Japan were really serious at fighting this (as well as the birth rate) allowing and accepting foreign labour is the only real answer. Remove restrictions on half children (forcing them to choose at 20) and allow residents who naturalize the right to keep their original citizenship. Watch the numbers change within a few short years.

    But this is all a pipe dream, we all know that Japan doesn’t want change. Some very much still act as though the black ships are in Tokyo harbour.

  11. Lolll this seems overly sensitive. Circle of life angsty people. Viking, Romans, Egyptians, British all been through it.

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