Have y’all ever met someone that sounds like a muppet

I’m an ALT in my mid 20s – I’ve been in Japan a few years now. One of my students, a boy about 12 years old, has this really unusual speaking voice. He sounds like a mix between Kermit and what it might sound like if a cat could talk. Kind of weird, but I didn’t really think anything of it – until today! I met a guy closer to my age that has this same exact type of voice. Interestingly enough, he would occasionally break into a deep, normal sounding voice, just for a split second. It was like the opposite of someone’s voice cracking. His laugh also sounded normal and deep. So now I’m wondering if anyone else has encountered guys like this and if anyone knows what the deal is. I am from America and have never heard anything like this.

by walrusAssault

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