Can you do JET with an ADHD diagnosis?

JET is something I’ve been interested in for a long time, but as I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and needed to take quite heavy medication for it, it felt like it wasn’t an option for me. A few months ago, my diagnosis was “revised” to ADHD – apparently this is very common for women as neurodiversity was under and misdiagnosed in the past. This has me thinking about what options might be open to me now. Obviously this is a new change for me and I’m not looking to make a big life change until I’ve adjusted to it and any potential medicationI might have to take. Before I start thinking about things more in depth, I want o know whether a diagnosis like this would make applying a non-starter.

For reference, I’m 40 (was diagnosed with BD at 25 – yes, I know age can be seen as a complicating factor too!) and have worked in a full-time professional job for a long time, so can demonstrate I’ve worked consistently without issue. I’m just wondering whether this diagnosis might count against me? Any experiences?

  1. If you search “ADHD” on this subreddit, you will find dozens and dozens of posts with questions like this, with dozens and dozens of comments from people who say that it won’t disqualify you from being selected. You’ll just need (at least for the U.K. process, though I think it’s the same elsewhere) your doctor to sign off your medical form to say you’re fit to participate in the JET programme. AFAICT you don’t even need to disclose your medical status until you’re either shortlisted or an alternate.

    You are on the older side for JET, though, which will probably be a more decisive factor as to whether you get accepted or not. There are certainly older JETs out there, but not *that* many 40+.

  2. Tldr.

    No, as long as it doesn’t hamper your ability to work or be reliable. You might need to find prescription alternatives in Japan but that’s about it. Age can be an issue though. But it doesn’t disqualify anyone. Plenty of people make it in. The bigger determining factors are your references, statement of purpose, and interviewing skills. Those three can make or break your chances even if you have the greatest paperwork/certificates.

  3. I have an ADHD diagnosis and am currently in Hiroshima teaching with JET! As long as you can prove you’re competent and capable of doing the job, you’ll be fine. Also, if you get selected, there is paperwork you can fill out to bring over medication.

  4. You can, but it’s difficult, as ADHD makes most things hard mode. I have trouble with overstimulation in the classroom, keeping focused, lesson planning organization, Japanese acquisition… but hey, somehow I’ve made it a few years.

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