Help with interview questions for Kobe Women’s College

I’m helping a student prepare for an entrance interview at Kobe Women’s College (神戸女学院大学). The student is applying to the School of Letters: English Department. She must give a 1-minute self introductory speech and then will asked a few questions by the interviewers in both Japanese and English. I am practicing basic questions that I think the interviewers \*might\* possibly ask her, but her ability level is intermediate level and she is really struggling with being able to listen to a question, pick out the main/key words, and then give some sort of reply. I am trying to get her to just be able to say something–anything–in a simple but complete sentence (rather than just one word answers).

Does anyone have experience with interview prep for this particular university? I’m just wondering how difficult the questions will be so I will know to what level she needs to prepare. Thanks in advance!

by AnneinJapan

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