People showing off their Japanese… Thoughts?

I wish there were more threads of people showing off their Japanese. What are your thoughts? Not just with text but even, say, posting a recording of themselves discussing something in Japanese, or reading some text out loud.

It would be nice to hear more from people who started from scratch however many years ago, and be able to hear how they sound now; really getting a good sense of their skill and where their practice has brought them thus far. It’s very interesting to see.

Why aren’t there more posts like that in this subreddit? I see almost no posts like that at all. Perhaps its against the rules and I didn’t know.

What are your thoughts on that kind of post?

  1. Maybe they’re on YouTube? I’m not against it, but I’m also not interested in it. But more power to y’all

  2. I feel like people already do this, just not in a way that’s helpful at all. Ask a question about even a simple concept and someone’s going to chime in with an academic source written in Japanese or start listing off grammar concepts in Japanese and just expect you to understand it. You can’t convince me that they’re not doing it just to show off.

  3. I did start a youtube channel where the goal is to speak Japanese every so often. Unfortunately it’s currently on pause due to some issues in my normal life but I do intend to start it up again once I have time. It’s honestly a pretty fun way to use what i’ve learned as well as practice my speaking skill.

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