I have 5 years until I’m done with masters in computer science. Should I start taking classes in japanese? My goal is to move there and get a job eventually.

Hey everyone! I’m currently embarking on a journey to finish my master’s degree in computer science and have a goal to move to Japan and work there in about five years. I’m considering whether to start taking Japanese classes now to prepare for this transition.

From what I understand, having a good grasp of the language is crucial not only for daily life but also for increasing job opportunities, especially in tech where communication can often be a key component of teamwork. I’m curious about the experiences of others who have moved to Japan in similar circumstances:

1. **Language Preparation**: For those of you who moved to Japan for work, how did you approach learning Japanese? Did you find language skills critical for your career, or was English sufficient in your workplace?
2. **Cultural Integration**: How important was understanding Japanese culture in your professional environment? Did prior knowledge of the language help you integrate more smoothly?
3. **Job Hunting**: How did you navigate the job market in Japan, particularly in tech? Are there specific credentials or skills that helped you stand out?
4. **Timing**: I’m thinking about starting my language studies immediately to better prepare. Would you say it’s better to start learning the language as early as possible, or is there a more strategic approach to timing this?
5. **Resources and Recommendations**: What resources (classes, programs, apps) did you find most effective for learning Japanese? Any particular methods that worked best?

I would greatly appreciate any advice or insights you could share. Looking forward to learning from your experiences!

by OdettaCaecus12

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