Website outlining the danger of the LDP’s proposed constitutional revisions with detailed explanations (Japanese) (Highlights in comments)

Website outlining the danger of the LDP’s proposed constitutional revisions with detailed explanations (Japanese) (Highlights in comments)

  1. **Some highlights (English translation/summary):**

    * Preamble: The section about “not going to war” has been removed

    * Article 9: The section about “not having a military force” is replaced with “Japan has a military force, with the Prime Minister as supreme commander.” Conscription is now possible.

    * Article 12: “The national interest” and “public order” are now prioritized above “fundamental human rights”

    * Article 18: Restraint and torture are now constitutional if performed by “political” or “military” authority

    * Article 19 (2): Improper acquisition or use of information on individuals is now prohibited by the constitution. This restricts freedom of the press regarding coverage of public officials or members of the government.

    * Article 20: Religious groups can now be granted and execute political authority

    * Article 21 (1): Freedom of Expression can be restricted if it is deemed necessary for “the public interest” or “public order”

    * Article 21 (2): Public disclosure of information by the government is no longer guaranteed

    * Article 24: Family members are now required by the constitution to “mutually support each other.” This makes it possible for the government to reject welfare to people who have families.

    * Article 47: A disparity in the value of votes between different constituencies (due to population differences between regions etc) is now constitutional.

    * Article 66: Retired military personnel can now become Prime Minister or members of the cabinet.

    * Article 77: Lawyers who oppose government authority can be disciplined/punished.

    * Article 94: The sections about local government having authority over their own assets and right to governance are removed. This centralizes power in the national government.

    * Article 96: Constitutional amendments now require a 1/2 majority instead of 2/3

    * Article 97: Completely deleted. Fundamental human rights are no longer the supreme law of the land. “The public interest” and “public order” are now prioritized.

    * **Article 98**: The Prime Minister can declare a state of emergency and his cabinet gains full authority to create laws without the National Diet. In this situation, everyone is now constitutionally required to follow the country’s orders. This is essentially the same as how Hitler gained dictatorial powers in Nazi Germany.

    * **Article 99**: The constitution is no longer a restraint on the power of the “state,” but instead a restraint on the power of the “people”

    **Note:** The outlined constitutional changes are uploaded to and still available on the LDP’s official website, so you can confirm for yourself:

    (1) Draft:

    (2) Q&A:

  2. This isn’t currently being voted on or debated in the Diet, right? Just listed on the LDP’s website?

  3. And people here in r/Japan really wanted Abe to amend the Constitution a few years ago, when he and his buddies clearly wanted to go back to Imperial Japan… This is really old news, but I’m glad that it’s finally getting some attention in here.

  4. What in the hell, article 19-2 is so beyond fucking stupid I don’t have words to describe it, let alone article 99

  5. Huh and I read comments on worldnews that ammending the japanese constitution will help support gay rights. This seems to go the opposite way.

  6. If you could/are going to vote, which party would you/are you going to vote for?

    I can’t vote but my husband and best friend will, they are hesitating, do you have any recommendations ?

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