What advice would you give to prepare for an expat opportunity with family?

Last week my company’s VP of strategic development pulled me into his office and said that my proposal piqued his, and a few other board member’s, curiosity and its very likely I’ll have the opportunity to work as an expat for a 3-5 year stint in Hamamatsu Japan. I am fluent (JLPT Lvl 3; with aims at my lvl 2 cert soon). I lived in kansai for a couple years in my early 20’s. I have traveled extensively to Hamamatsu over the last 5 years and am very well acquainted with all parts of the city. I’ll be working as a design engineer; I am a manufacturing engineer in the automotive industry. I’ll be bringing my family (wife, 11yo, 9yo, 7yo, 4yo) none of which speak but have a lot of exposure to the language already. The kids are homeschooled right now but more than likely we will enroll them in a public school for increased exposure. My wife and I have traveled there for a couple months total, so she isn’t going in blind. What advice would you give to prepare for life in Japan? That I make sure to have included in my relocation agreement?  

by 60BillionDblDllrs

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