Is it a good sign that the company only asked me a few questions during the interview?

I just got done with a second interview at an ALT dispatch company. During the first interview the head of the school only asked me a lot of questions. He then scheduled a second interview for tonight and asked me to bring any questions I might have. I had a lot. (14 questions about the company, worker protection, the job, the area the school is in, and moving to Japan.) After about thirty minutes of me asking questions; the president of the company asked me to confirm that I was interested in working in Japan long term. (2 or 3 years) Than he explained the rest of the hiring process. They will narrow down the hiring pool in October, and if they need to, make a decision in November. He then explained the VISA process to me and asked if I had any questions. And that was an interview.

I have two modes of thinking. If he explained the remainder of the hiring process, and VISA process; he must be interested, and the interview went well. The second is that seems how he barely asked me anything, then that is not a good sign. So, is it a good sign that the company only asked me a few questions during the interview?

by OldFisherman9171

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