A spicy tuna, salmon, avacado, and spicy Mayo “sushi burrito”. It’s basically a jumbo sushi roll not sliced up. It might be an abomination. But it tasted great

A spicy tuna, salmon, avacado, and spicy Mayo “sushi burrito”. It’s basically a jumbo sushi roll not sliced up. It might be an abomination. But it tasted great

  1. Sushi burritos are still sushi. And they’re amazing if done right. Unfortunately I can’t recommend the local sushi burrito place near me (Motomaki), they’re a chain and register a weak “meh” on my ratings scale.

  2. So it’s just a temaki? Or a hand roll? Not an abomination. Actually really good. Kind of prefer temaki to normal rolls personally.

  3. I make sushi wraps often with my sushi bazooka XD its really jum&easypeasy. .These are really nice for on the road or for lunch.

  4. I hope the lightbulb that went off to create this innovation is hilarious. Someone got a futomaki roll, probably too big for one bite, took one bite and the roll fell apart thinking, ‘this is bullsh*t.’ Goes home makes a massive roll, cuts it one time in half, sitting on the couch watching tv eating this massive sushi roll with ease…..lightbulb HOLD ON!!!

    I hope this is how this started 😂 some sushi innovations are cringe, this is not a bad one imo.

  5. I think it depends on the place. Sushi is special because you get all the ingredients/flavors in one bite. These burritos are bigger than hand rolls so you’ll get one bite of only avocado. One bite of only rice. One bite of salmon and rice but missing the avo etc.

  6. I was a sushi chef for 8 years and I used to make myself these same exact things about once a week. Screw cutting it up, it’s bomb in burrito form. Kind of like a hand roll.

  7. I love making sushi, and when i make my hand rolls they look a lot like this, might not be the most traditional but i love it

  8. I just feel like… it’s a lot of bite. I can’t see myself enjoying this form more than a sliced roll. Handrolls, to me, are always problematic because there’s so much nori in the way.

  9. I love the idea of this, but the place that opened in Denver quickly went under, and after eating there once I knew why. Giant poorly cut pieces of fish that barely fit in your mouth and still attached to the pieces around it. I wanted it to be good and was so sad.

    I bet it’s delicious if done correctly!

  10. A place I have been to calls them sushiritos. Pretty good and large portions.

  11. They’re amazing for a on the go snack, sushi is probably the least portable food in its typical form

  12. These popped up in my city like 15 years ago then just slowly faded away. They always had the best most stacked musubis too. I wish they’d come back.

  13. Atarashi in Pittsburgh makes their own versions, and you can create customized ones. Such a dangerous place, to the waistline and bank account!

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